On the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm, the library trustees and library director meet by Zoom or in-person. This meeting is open to the public. If you would like to attend, please contact us for more information and to confirm meeting time and location.
2024 Board of Trustees
Chair: Heather McLeod
Vice Chair: Dr. Rod Martin
Treasurer and Invermere Rep: Dr. Rod Martin
DOI Council Rep: Theresa Wood
Invermere Rep: Heather McLeod
RDEK Area F Trustees: Wendy Cunningham and Dr. Claes Palmgren
RDEK Area G Trustee: Norm Ayers
Canal Flats Trustee: To be appointed
Invermere Public Library trustees can be contacted by emailing them at publiclibrary[at]invermere.net.
Guiding Documents
Become a Trustee!
The Invermere Public Library Board is made up of local residents who are appointed to the board by our local government. Trustees are appointed for two year terms. The District of Invermere appoints two Invermere residents and one council member. The RDEK appoints two residents from Area F, one resident from Area G, and one resident from the Village of Canal Flats.
To learn more about the role of a trustee, please follow this link to a document that outlines IPL Trustee Responsibilities. If you have any questions about the library board, please contact the board chair or the library director.
For additional information about the role of a trustee, this Trustee Info Package.
will provide you with the details of the rewards of volunteering for the library board.
Canal Flats Trustee Position Open
If you live in Canal Flats and are passionate about library service, please consider becoming a library trustee. Position will remain open until filled.
- By hand at either RDEK Office
- Cranbrook – 19-24th Avenue South
- Invermere – 1164 Windermere Loop Road
- Via email to corporateservicesdept@rdek.bc.ca