Things for eReading
Kobo H20 Libra: We have two (2) Kobo e-reader devices available to sign-out. Create a Kobo account with an email address and password, and then log into Overdrive to access free ebooks. Once signed in, do not click “buy” title, instead tap the … image next to to the “buy” button for the Overdrive option.
Lending period: 3 weeks
Things for Household and Vehicle
Carbon Dioxide Monitor: The Aranet4 sensor is an innovative air quality monitor that measures carbon dioxide (CO2) level, temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure. The device is suitable for monitoring the CO2 level at home, in school, office, or any other indoor environment to give an indication of how well-ventilated it is. This is not a Carbon Monoxide detector and is not intended to be a substitute for professional air quality monitoring.
Lending period: One week
Electronic Energy Meter: This Blue Planet EM100 Energy meter monitors appliances and identifies those that consume the most energy. Calculates energy consumption and energy costs. Measures voltage, current, wattage, kilowatt-hours and standby current. With overload warning display and buzzer.
Lending period: 3 weeks
OBD Diagnosis Tool (Car Code Scanner): Ancel AD410 On-Board Diagnostics (OBDII) tool available to borrow. This device works to quickly diagnose car faults. Kit contains diagnostic tool, USB cord and manual.
Lending period: One week
Radon Kit: Includes indoor radon test, informational pamphlets & directions. We have two available. Thank you to the Kootenay Library Federation and the BC Lung Association for providing the kits. Lending period: 4 weeks
Things for Wellbeing
Verilux LED Happy Light: We have three Sunshine Lamps available to checkout! These lamps will mimic the positive effects sunlight has on people to boost mood and energy. More details on sunshine lamps here.
Lending period: 3 weeks
Pedometer: Includes pedometer, user guide, and a few maps.
Lending period: One week
Things for Kids and Families
Fishing Rod, Reel & Tackle: Borrow a child’s fishing rod to go out and adventure! For a child to go out fishing with an accompanying adult who has their fishing licence. 2 available to borrow.
Lending period: One week
Reading tent: Includes 1 plastic bag, 1 canvas bag, 8 wooden tent poles, 4 connecting pieces, 1 string, 1 string of colourful bunting, 1 canvas tent.
Lending period: One week
Geocaching Kit: Includes Garmin GPS, swag bag, pencils, and kit bag.
Lending period: One week
Campsack: Includes 3-5 books, songs, and games that are designed to go out camping with you and your family. 3 different Campsacks available: stargazing, camping, and hiking themes.
Lending period: One week
Batpack: Includes backpack, binder with Bat information, a bat skeleton, and an Echo Meter 2 device (to pick up bat sounds)
Lending period: 3 weeks
Mindfulness Kits: Includes 4-5 books all about mindfulness, anxiety and stress & calming crafts/activities. Designed for elementary age, but beneficial for all, including adults! 3 kits available with different books and activities.
Lending period: 3 weeks
Birding Backpacks: There are two birding backpacks available to loan.
One designed for adults and one for children. Both kits include binoculars with a carrying case, various books and pamphlets on birding in the local area, and a backpack to carry it all in.
Lending period: One week.
Hiking Backpack: Includes 1 backpack, 2 sets of trekking poles, 2 headlamps, bivvy sack, first aid kit, multi-tool, fire starting kit, compass and a book about hikes around Invermere.
Lending period: One week.